Emilio Ontiveros Baeza



1948 – 2022

Born in Ciudad Real in 1948. Emeritus Professor of Economic and Business Administration at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid since 1985, where he has been Vice Chancellor for four years. Author and coauthor of several books and numerous articles. Contributor in magazines specialized in international economy and finance. Founder and President of Analistas Financieros Internacionales, S.A. Afi Escuela de Finanzas and Afi, Inversiones Globales, SGIIC, (subsidiaries of Afi Group). Since its creation in 1983 until December 2011, he has been director of the Economist Magazine, published by Colegio de Economistas de Madrid. In July 2004, he won the IX Prize “Círculo de Empresarios in Economic Research” for “TIC, crecimiento económico y actividad empresarial. Especial referencia a España”. In February 2005, he was appointed Head of the Special Group for Information Society Convergence with the EU by the Minister of Industry, Tourism and Trade. He was awarded a Fellowship from the Real Colegio Complutense (Harvard University), as a member of the Advanced Research Group on International Economy. In September 2005, he was appointed to the Advisory Committee on Communication and Information Society by the Minister of Industry, Tourism and Trade. In January 2006, he was appointed to the Advisory Committee on Innovation by Parque Científico de Madrid, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. In March 2006, the Minister of Public Administration, appointed him to the Advisory Committee on Electronic Administration. He is also a member of Advisory Board of Fundación CYD. On november 29 th , 2007 he received the prize “Mi Cartera de Inversión” to Promotion of Economic and Financial Culture.

His latest books: “Global Turning Points. Understanding the Challenges for Business in the 21st Century” (with Mauro Guillén) Cambridge University Press. 2012, “Una nueva época. Los grandes retos del siglo XXI” (with Mauro Guillén) Galaxia Gutenberg, 2012, “El Rescate” (with Ignacio Escolar) Aguilar
Publishing, 2013. “El ahorrador inteligente” (with David Cano). Espasa, 2014, “A new era in Banking. Landscape after the battle”. (with Ángel Berges, Mauro Guillén and Juan Pedro Moreno) Bibliomotion, 2014, “Hablando se entiende la gente. Un debate plural sobre la economía española” (with Daniel Lacalle and Juan Torres). Deusto, Planeta Group, 2015, Preface of Thomas Piketty’s book: “El capital del siglo XXI”. RBA, 2015. Preface of George A. Akerlof and Robert J. Shiller’s book: “La economía de la manipulación” Deusto, 2016. “Global Turning Points. The Challenges for Business and Society in the 21st Century” 2nd edition. Cambridge University Press (with Mauro Guillén), 2016, “Las ciudades del futuro: inteligentes, digitales y sostenibles” (with Diego Vizcaíno and Verónica
López Sabater). Telefónica Foundation. Ariel. 2016, and “Excesos. Amenazas a la prosperidad global” Planeta. November 2019.

Patron of the Hermes Institute Foundation, Paideia Foundation, Digital Spain Foundation, Financial Studies Foundation. Member of the Boards of Directors of Mutua Madrileña, Iberdrola and Torreal.

For all these reasons, he is considered one of the most famous economist in our country.