Who are we?

Afi’s most important asset is its people, its professionals and their commitment to a series of values and ideals articulated around progress, innovation and service to society.

Our corporate culture is based on ethical conduct and personal and professional integrity, which frame how we approach and carry out our business. Loyalty, commitment, respect, honesty, accuracy, credibility, trust, customer care… these are our organisation’s core human values.

El principal activo de Afi son las personas, los profesionales y su grado de compromiso con unos valores y unos ideales de progreso, de innovación y de servicio a la sociedad.

Nuestra cultura corporativa está basada en el comportamiento ético y la integridad personal y profesional como forma de entender y desarrollar nuestra actividad. Lealtad, compromiso, respeto, honestidad, veracidad, confianza, calidad, atención al cliente…son los valores humanos claves en nuestra organización.

Our values

We are different and our clients perceive it

Technical excellence

As a company and individually, we always seek technical excellence in our customer service. We are moved by intellectual ambition, curiosity and learning is continuous.

Effort and efficiency

We seek to provide greater added value in everything we do. The basis of our efficiency is the value generated in each project, in its correct definition, valuation and planning.


We are an agile organization, with adaptability and project perspective. We manage our projects from a multidisciplinary perspective, adding value in a differential way.


Our priority is to anticipate the needs of our clients. We work in a collaborative environment with our clients and colleagues, setting transparent evaluation criteria.


Our strong commitment to the needs of our clients, is configured autonomy and an executive attitude in decision-making, always looking for the best for our clients.